Resolving to resolute right

      It's the eight day in January and by now, all our social media platforms have most likely been abuzz with posts of people's plans for the forthcoming months of the year. Many have by now, sat by their desks, pen in hand and taken down notes of the numerous goals they intend to achieve this year. 
     To scoff at these plans would probably be rude, but in all honesty, I know the circle continues. 'What circle?' You may ask, as you roll your eyes at my audacity to scoff at your new year resolutions.  'The circle of the New Year', which begins with setting up new year resolutions and then, forgetting them before the end of January. 
        As someone who has made numerous resolutions over the past years, I know firsthand, that the determination to achieve these resolutions, fades away and is quickly forgotten, just like your new year rice. OK no, I'm not saying making new year resolutions is bad or highly incredulous, I'm just saying, seeing how easy it is for our resolutions to almost never meet with reality, I have taken my time to think up some solutions to this problem. 

No better time than today

        For starters, we need to purge ourselves of the mindset that an artificially invented time (a new year) is the best time to start making needed changes in our lives. We need to realize the shift from December 31st to January 1st is the same as the shift from a normal day to the next . It literally just takes 24 hours, as usual! So whatever we need to do, whatever step we need to take, whatever life altering move, can most definitely begin this very day.

Details! Details! More details!

        When mapping out your resolutions, New Year or otherwise, it's best to make them as detailed as possible.  My advice, is that you include the reason why you would love to achieve the set resolution, the time span for its achievement, the manner in which you plan to achieve it and any other detail that comes to mind. Keeping in mind, there's no such thing as too much detail. No one is going to charge you for your details, so be generous with your details. 

Dream within the confines of reality

      From experience, I know how easy it is to get lost in the new year frenzy and just forget your life isn't going to automatically start all over with the new year. My advice, plan around your schedule (the schedule you know you'd be adhering to) resort to make plans you know you can actually achieve. There's no new year fairy that's going to change your life for you, so dreams that are not considerations for fairy tales are your best bet.

Tech savvy

         In this day and time, it's common for our noses to be constantly pointed at our phone, tablets or laptop screens. Use this to your advantage! Carry out extensive researches on ways to achieve your resolutions, Frequent app stores to find out if you can get an application that can help you achieve your desired results. You never know the different amazing worlds you may be exposing yourself to. 
Never out of sight, never out of mind

       Many like me, just altogether forget the existence of these resolutions by January 15, not because they are not detailed enough or not realistic enough but because they are just forget they exist. Placing your resolutions in your line of sight really helps with this problem. Your line of sight is anywhere you get to see its often as possible, it could be glued to your wardrobe, placed in your journal or dairy, placed on your mirror(for the mirror freaks like me), just about anywhere you know you definitely frequent a lot. 

         Taking our lives and destinies into our own hands is our choice to make. Let's make that choice and stick to it! While chewing on edibles of course!😋


IG : nessa_benard
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