The Revival of a Man - Brown Exploit

I had a personal Bible study today (I don't think I've had a personal Bible study my entire life).

The focus of this writeup is to help us understand how revival works, and the only way we can achieve that is when we cooperate with the Holy Spirit.

God is looking for a man (in general terms both gender) to preach his word.

The kind of people God is searching for are people that has a broken heart (Psalm 51:17).

How to be used in the vineyard of God;
Read books: Books are essential in the growth of every individual who sincerely wants to grow spiritually. Not all kinds of books are needed, read only Christian and spiritual literatures esp Kenneth Hagin's books.

Listen to messages: one of the ways to become spiritually stable is by listening to messages of true men of God, men of the spirit and men that has the fear of God in them.

Listen to music: the more music you listen to determines the kind of thoughts that flows from your heart, the more you listen to a spiritual song, the more you become spiritual. Music is life and it's brings soul to the soul.

Attend seminars: one of those ways to become developed in your Christian life is by attending meetings that will help you grow spiritually. 

God is not interested in your academics (You need to be educated), he is not interested in your wealth (You need to be rich), he is not interested in anything you own, he is only interested in how much time you have a fellowship with him.

Just a fellowship with God can change your life forever.

Brown Exploits
